Ramadan (written as Ramazan, Ramadhan) is derived from
the Arabic root word ‘ramida’ or ‘arramad’ that means intense scorching
heat and dryness, especially of the ground. Ramadan begins after the
month of Shaban, after the new moon has been sighted. In case new moon
is not sighted then after 30 days of Shaban, Ramadan begins. The month
of Ramadan lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the sighting of the
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أهلا وسهلا ومرحبا بك في موقع تغطية مباشر : ضع ردا يعبر عن اناقة أخلاقك ، سنرد على اي استفسار نراه يحتاج الى اجابة ، ادعمنا برأيك وضع تعليقا للتشجيع ..